Advertise On Musicians Online!

Become one of our charter advertisers by e-mailing us at ads@musiciansonline. We will reply with your invoice. Attach your front page banner ad to the message for best service, or we can design a banner ad for your for $50 for static or simple multi-frame animated ads. Banner ad dimensions are 468 x 60 pixels and should be kept to a file size of 10k or less.

What is Musicians Online?

Musicians Online is a developing online community of musicians and other music recording and related industry professionals. Our strategy for creating this community is three-fold:

  • Musicians will have a forum to showcase their work, develop their talents, meet other musicians and recording professionals, and get the information they need to be the best they can be.
  • Recording industry professionals and talent scouts can find the best of new independently created music, carefully selected by our editors.
  • Musical instrument and equipment manufacturers will not only have a place to showcase their products and services to the people who really need to know what they offer, but they will also be able to meet the people they service and better get to know their needs.
  • Who is the Musicians Online audience?

    Our primary audience is, of course musicians and music and recording hobbyists and professionals. We expect a secondary audience of music aficionados who are looking to find music they haven't necessarily heard before.

    How many readers/listeners does Musicians Online log each month?

    As we fill our pages with content and develop a database of contacts, we expect a significant number of visitors to our site. We have been compiling statistics since January and will post the first results in the beginning of March.

    What advertising options are there?

    1. Front page banner ad. The first advertiser to sign up for the spot will receive the position exclusively for a minimum of 21 days. Eventually there will be multiple ad placement for the prime sponsor banner ad position.

    2. Manufacturer's Storefronts. A full page virtual storefront advertising your company and it's products and services, linked initially via listing in our GEAR section. Eventually connection to your storefront will be possible via a product search from the front page.

    How much does it cost to become a charter banner advertiser?

    The first 10 advertisers on Musicians Online will pay only $100/month for a front page banner ad. This is based on a 3 month advance payment. ($150/month for monthly prepayment).

    How much does a company storefront cost?

    Creation of your storefront is free - Connection to our site and the world wide web is initially being offered at the introductory monthly rate of only $150/month. Annual rates available.

    What does Musicians Online do?

    The goal of Musicians Online is to be the ultimate musician's resource and publicity engine. We are creating a forum for musicians to publicize themselves and their work and are attempting to provide the ultimate online source of information about interviews, clubs, technology, manufacturers, industry contacts, record labels and agencies. Musicians will be able to post contact info, bios and performance dates for free, and upload their own recording samples for a nominal fee. Website design and www hosting for you or your band is also available.

    Who is the editor of Musicians Online?

    Steven Swart is the editor of Musicians Online. Contributors include Tara Zuck, Dave Diano of Diano Consulting and Kris Bixler.

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